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The UK released a new bills regarding internet safety, This just so happens to be an area i have very strong opinons on so... Here are my thoughts.

an article about the subject from actual authors

After perusing the actual bill (linked below), OFCOM seems to be handed an excessive amount of power. Up until now, they've only dealt with TV, phone, and radio regulations, so I doubt they're adequately equipped for this internet oversight. The supposed aim of the bill is to enhance internet safety, particularly for kids – a group I believe shouldn't be heavily reliant on the internet. It also aims to limit access to illegal and controlled information. The problem lies in the ambiguity of what they might classify as "not allowed." They now have the authority to control what you can and cannot see. Personally, I technically fall into the demographic this bill targets, and I vehemently disagree with this approach. As always, I urge you to seek out your own information and draw your own conclusions. I've linked my sources and the bill itself for your reference.


The Bill (300 Pages)
Seems like they dont want you to read it all
Reuters . The Guardian

in the intrest of full discolsure i need to tell yoy this page was co-written by chatgpt. all views expressed are my own but being one person i lack a proof reader and my austism makes rereading difficult